It’s the last day of November and we’ve finally unearthed our Christmas tree!
Now the school year is complete (well, Miss F’s last day is tomorrow), I’m hoping we’ll get the tree up and decorated by the end of the weekend as I’ve got lots to do next week.
Amongst planning gifts and food for Christmas, we have another round of Year 10 Work Experience, Secondary Presentation Night for my eldest three (Miss E’s final time wearing her school uniform!), and Year 8 Orientation Day, the fourth and final book in The Tellarine Series also releases next week!
Broken Spirit will be available to read on December 5th, and I’m excited to share Belinda’s story with you. It’s a little bittersweet for me as I tie up this series, but it’s not the last you’ll hear of Tellarine.
Not by a long shot.
Pre-order your copy of Broken Spirit here, or borrow the e-book in Kindle Unlimited on release day!
Until next time,