I’ve hardly read any fiction since Mr Wonderful’s dad passed away. It took over three weeks for me to open the e-book I had been reading the day before he died. Seems my appetite for fiction has temporarily waned.
Mourning a loved one is a strange thing.
Writing has been a challenge too. Mostly because of the heavy content in Bee’s upcoming story, something I can’t reveal due to spoilers. A book I wish I could leave on the shelf for a (long) time, but one I must write because my publisher set a deadline for a reason. So I will chip away at it and pray it turns into something that blesses and encourages you to keep pushing through this life with Jesus by your side.
While you wait for my next Tellarine book, I wrote a poem after deleting almost 1000 spam comments from my blog earlier today. 😉

Dear Mr Spam, Thank you for giving purpose to who I am. Deleting hundreds of comments about adroitly modified games And inappropriate things Bring such light to my world. Oh, Mr Spam, You don’t know how grateful I really am For the words and links about those fascinating things Like viagra, new boilers and herbal thyroid remedies. I’m amazed at what you can do. But please, Pretty please. Could you lay off from all the commenting? Maybe save them up for one enormous post? Or just keep writing in languages I don’t know. Mr Spam, I suspect you really don’t know who I am. So I’ll spend my Thursdays deleting all you say Because that’s what bloggers get to do most days. And life’s a blast complaining about you.
Until next time,