And created this website. Not to mention I washed the floors. It’s been busy around here!
I hear you ask, “What’s your plan for this website, Sheridan?” and I appreciate the question. You’re so thoughtful!
I want to share my stories with you and interact with my readers and friends. I spend a tremendous amount of my day with the characters in my head, so it’s wonderful when I get to hang out with flesh-and-blood people.
Now, about the book. My debut novel, Punctured Heart, released earlier this month! And this edgy Christian women’s fiction novel has a special place in my heart.
I’ve woven a strong romantic thread into the storyline for my romance reader friends (i.e., me!). The real-life elements of the story poke at several taboo subjects and heavy issues, but I’ve promised my husband my stories will always end on a positive note.
I would love for my friends—old and new—to travel this publication journey with me, and hope you’ll stay and be part of the process.

(Photo by Aaron Burden)
I also foresee book reviews in future posts. Real-life, edgy and gritty stories are my jam, but I also enjoy comedies and lighter novels. I gravitate toward contemporary romance, historical and women’s fiction genres, but if you have any book recommendations—Christian and general market—please let me know!
I’ll probably mention Mr Wonderful and our five gorgeous girls along the way, too. Yeah, I said five. And yes, we have a TV. Two, in fact!
Thank you for joining me in the new and unknown.
Until next time,