Smelling the Proverbial Roses

I drafted and scrapped two blog posts today. Two posts containing worthy ideas relevant to my world as a mum, a reader and a writer. You know, stuff I often share here. But they just didn’t… fit.

Sure, they were great personal writing exercises. I approached each task with prayerful consideration, as I usually do, and focused my attention on the message I wanted to give you wonderful readers.

But neither felt right.

I wonder if the time spent writing was more for me than anyone else. Because after I finished writing, I felt lighter. Less stressed or worried about the many looming deadlines in my professional and personal life. I sat back in my chair, read and reread the words, and smiled.

When was the last time you allowed yourself to stop and smell the proverbial roses? Or snatched a moment from your overbooked schedule and intentionally slowed your pace to soak in your surroundings? Maybe it was a hilarious conversation between your children you would’ve missed because you had your headphones on while you worked on your laptop. Or a heartwarming moment between a grandparent and grandchild as you rushed by, coffee in hand, focused on reaching your ten o’clock meeting.

How many observational and meaningful moments are we missing because our heads are down while we charge toward the next task, the next appointment, the next commitment?

Stress in life is a given, and Jesus told us to trade our burdens for His rest. Today was a glorious reminder to be mindful and slow my pace. Be intentional with my time. Include moments to take a breath.

It’s not the easiest thing to do, to switch off the internal pressure to reach every deadline, manage every issue and kick every goal. But the five minutes it takes to shift perspective will be a worthy investment. Not just for you, but for everyone you spend time with.

Sniffing those roses is worth it.

Until next time,

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